Associated with the NH Charitable Gaming Commission, proceeds from each day of gaming at Aces & Eights Casino go to benefit various charities around the state.

About Fundraising for non-profit charities
Is your non-profit charity designated as a tax-exempt organization by the IRS as a 501© 3, 4, 7,8, 10 or 19?
Has your organization been registered with the NH secretary of state for at least on year as a “Domestic Nonprofit Corporation.”
Are you in “good standing” with the NH Secretary of State; and, if applicable, the NH Charitable Trust?
Have you signed on with a New Hampshire Casino to partake in games of chance? If not, does your nonprofit charity want to raise funds for your organization through a legal venue in conjunction with the New Hampshire lottery?
Participation in the NH Games of Chance program involves completing a simple application and paying a minimal fee to the New Hampshire Lottery Commission. Nonprofit Charities are eligible to receive 10 game days per calendar year and can receive 35% of the gross revenue per game day after payment of any prize money. Daily rent will be charged to your charity by the game room.
If you meet the criteria above, and if you are interested in learning more about this fundraising opportunity, please email hbcgamingcasino@gmail.com for more information. Please include your contact information and nonprofit charity name as it appears on your IRS designation letter or NH Secretary of State’s office.